Often when I facilitate management workshops on the subject of employee motivation,
managers complain that they have too few ways to reward their employees.
Many of them say that without an extra budget, they have no way to reward employees.
However, as the workshop progresses, participants become aware and come up with a long list of ideas for rewarding their team members.
In case you find yourself in need for a creative idea to boost employee motivation without making a 50% pay raise - here is a selected list:
Share the employee's success with their family:
- I can safely say that too many great efforts and achievements on the part of employees do not receive due positive feedback. Even more rarely do the family members of employees get to hear of their good work.
- The positive results of sharing the success of an employee with their family are numerous. To name a few:
- The employee would feel proud and appreciated.
- Family members will understand the importance and support the employee's efforts and investment at work.
- The organization will develop stronger relations with the community and will improve its employer image.
- Here are a few ways you can make this happen:
- Write a periodic letter of commendation to the employee's family, listing specific achievements they recently accomplished.
- Invite the employee's partner, children or parents for a tour of the workplace, pointing out projects the employee has been involved in.
- Visit the employee's home to tell their family how highly you think of their work.
- Send out an electronic newsletter to all employees' families, highlighting the successes of several employees each time.
- All of the above ideas require little, if any, investment. A lot more can be done if you simply turn your attention to this powerful and important channel.
- Promote a group culture of "motivation support":
- There is a lot of academic and practical evidence demonstrating the power of the group at work. This power can be tapped to help keep motivation levels high, through a "motivation support" culture.
Organize events and rituals in which a group of employees boosts the motivation of at least one team member. For instance:
- Each member of the group tells of a unique contribution that person has made during the past month.
- One team member shares with the group an idea they wish to promote or a problem they need to solve and group members all come up with ways to make that wish come true for the team member.
- Play a game in which team members draw a name of another team member and have to secretly do things that boost that person's motivation for a week. The game ends in a big party during which participants guess and later reveal who was their secret benefactor.
Number of entries
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