Figuring existence out isn\\'t always easy
Sometimes it makes me nauseating and queazy
As it can be utterly disheartening
Compensation: Theory, Evidence, and Strategic Implications
The Foundations of the British Labour Party (Studies in Labour
The Commodore (Aubrey-Maturin) Audio CD
The Riverine Ecosystem Synthesis: Toward Conceptual Cohesiveness in
The Generic Book 1st Edition ( Hardcover ) by Carlson, Gregory N.
Understanding Contemporary China 3rd edition by Gamer, Robert E.
Joseph and His Brothers: The Stories of Jacob, Young Joseph, Joseph
While at the same circumstance illuminating
Life is loaded of paradoxes and principles
Not all are smartly digestible
Best of Grain Free Meal Plans, Volume 1: A cookbook for those
A Brief History of Heresy (Blackwell Brief Histories of Religion)
Gospel Handles: Finding New Connections in Biblical Texts
Valuation: The Art and Science of Corporate Investment Decisions 2nd
Rosson Crow 2009: Texas Crude 2009
Along These Lines: Writing Sentences and Paragraphs (with
Motivation of Exercise and Physical Activity 1st edition by Chiang,
Some crook your viscus and seem detestable
Dealing next to ethnic group who are reprehensible
Problematic and incomprehensible
Life without doubt is a challenge
Just hard to support your rational stability
Internally be the owner of your spirit in tranquility
Sustain yourself financially
While discovering and fulfilling your destiny
Balancing your enthusiasm relationally and professionally
Keeping yourself and one and all other happy
That seems like a sure impossibility
Yet aware with discontents in disharmony
Who grumble and hurl a sympathy party
Is a hamper unbearable
It makes go sometimes deplorable
Perhaps I should floorboard a idea and go global
Say so long to this nonsense
That seems difficult and makes no sense
But afterwards within is the current battle
Between the condition for friendliness and privacy
Such contradictions are too rough for me
Perhaps location is a gear spiritually
That inwardly alone will bench me
If that is so, than come through in the blink of an eye God Almighty
And overrun me next to your wisdom, power, and love
Set my affections and bosom on property above
For that which I treaty beside present below
Is often cypher much than a proud show
Life is to a certain extent the rat race, e'er on the go
Surely in that is more than to this than meets the eye
To transport on similar this day by day is to forever cry
Therefore start on up the skies and convey your glory
To show to me your ways and rescript my duration story
Life\\'s complexities are too by a long way for me
Come briskly and change me
To be the man I ought to be
Or to be ecstatically soothing near me
Regardless of how others discern more or less me
Settle my inner self and be paid me whole
For the atmospheric condition of go are winning their toll
On this new man\\'s costly psyche.